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Embryo transfer is a key step in In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) where one or more healthy embryos are transferred from a laboratory dish into the woman's uterus. The goal is for the embryo(s) to implant in the uterine lining and develop into a pregnancy.

The number of embryos transferred depends on several factors, including:

  • Woman's age and health
  • Previous IVF attempts (successes or failures)
  • Embryo quality

Generally, doctors aim to transfer a maximum of 2 embryos to minimize the risk of multiples (twins, triplets, etc.). However, in some cases, one or even three embryos might be considered.

  • You may be advised to rest for a short while after the procedure.
  • No strenuous activity is recommended for a few days.
  • You can resume most normal activities relatively quickly.
  • Medications like progesterone may be prescribed to support the uterine lining and improve implantation chances.
  • A pregnancy test will be scheduled around 10-14 days after the transfer.

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