

Tubal block has to be evaluated if ovulation and semen analysis are normal.
Those who are at risk of tubal block are
● Pelvic inflammatory disease
● Endometriosis
● Ectopic pregnancy
● Prior pelvic surgery
Common tests available for checking tubal patency are
● HSG(Hysterosalpingography)which has low sensitivity
● Laparoscopy and chromopertubation which is the gold standard
● Sonohysterosalpingography
Management of tubal factor infertility
Unilateral proximal tubal occlusion: ovarian stimulation with iui
Tubal sterilisation: recanalisation or tubal reanastomosis
Proximal tubal disease: hysteroscopic cannulation
Distal tubal block: IVF
Bilateral tubal block and hydrosalpinx: IVF


Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia in pregnancy.All pregnant women should be screened for anemia during pregnancy.Hemoglobin <11g/dl is the cutoff for anemia.
Causes are
● Insufficient dietary intake
● Frequent pregnancies
● Short inter pregnancy interval
● Hookworm infestation
● Heavy menstrual bleeding
Symptoms are
● Fatigue
● Giddiness
● Palpitation
● Headache
● Shortness of breath
● Iron rich foods like green leafy vegetables,sprouts,meat,liver
● Iron supplementation
● Blood transfusion(severe anemia)


If you want to delay your first pregnancy but worried about aging or if you are a cancer patient, consider freezing your gametes for future use.This helps you to have your own(genetic) child when you are prepared for it.

As you age, your egg reserve diminishes. Quality of eggs also decline with age which may lead to genetic/ chromosomal abnormalities in fetus.

Though the age at which egg reserve drastically declines vary in each one depending on genetics, environmental influences, Co existing diseases, food habits, stress etc; generally rapid decline happens around 35 years. There are females who show premature ovarian failure very early in life.

If you want to put off motherhood for your career, financial constraints or medical indications, do have a talk with your fertility doctor who can guide you after scan and blood tests. For collection of oocytes(eggs) for freezing, women has to undergo ovarian stimulation and IVF. Oocyte freezing is done by cryopreservation (Vitrification) where the rapid freezing of oocytes are done with cryoprotectant and stored in liquid nitrogen.This type of freezing prevents formation of ice crystals in cells and so the oocytes can be preserved with the same quality for years. Sperms can be frozen for those men who has to undergo chemotherapy or radiotherapy. After blood tests, sperms can be collected through masturbation and frozen. It can be used for IUI or IVF in future.

Written By Dr. Anupama S


Polycystic ovarian syndrome accounts for  50% of cases of menstrual irregularities

This is characterized by menstrual irregularity, infertility, excessive hair growth, acne, obesity, and polycystic ovaries on ultrasound

Irregular menstrual cycles are due to anovulation or oligoovulation which may lead to infertility.

Insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia are found in 50-70% of women with PCOS

PCOS may present with features of metabolic syndrome like hypertension, abnormal glucose tolerance, and dyslipidemia

Hormone abnormalities like raised LH, insulin, and androgens are laboratory findings in PCOS

Long term consequences include metabolic syndrome, coronary heart disease, endometrial cancer, miscarriage in pregnancy, depression, and anxiety

Treatment includes lifestyle modification, weight reduction, hormones for correcting menstrual irregularities and infertility

Even 5% of weight loss can reduce insulin resistance, restores ovulation, and reduce cardiovascular risk factors


Established in the year of 2015, Yana IVF has helped many couples in achieving the dream of parenthood. Since inception, Yana IVF has evolved as a single point of contact for all fertility related issues.

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