Facts about PCOS
Polycystic ovarian syndrome accounts for 50% of cases of menstrual irregularities
This is characterized by menstrual irregularity, infertility, excessive hair growth, acne, obesity, and polycystic ovaries on ultrasound
Irregular menstrual cycles are due to anovulation or oligoovulation which may lead to infertility.
Insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia are found in 50-70% of women with PCOS
PCOS may present with features of metabolic syndrome like hypertension, abnormal glucose tolerance, and dyslipidemia
Hormone abnormalities like raised LH, insulin, and androgens are laboratory findings in PCOS
Long term consequences include metabolic syndrome, coronary heart disease, endometrial cancer, miscarriage in pregnancy, depression, and anxiety
Treatment includes lifestyle modification, weight reduction, hormones for correcting menstrual irregularities and infertility
Even 5% of weight loss can reduce insulin resistance, restores ovulation, and reduce cardiovascular risk factors